Antonin LEROUX
I am a researcher in the team of Effective Algebraic Geometry at IRMAR, Université de Rennes and a cryptographic expert at DGA-MI. Before that, I was a PhD student in the team GRACE at Ecole Polytechnique and INRIA Saclay under the supervision of Luca de Feo and Benjamin Smith.
I focus my research on isogeny-based cryptography. My main interest is on Quaternion Algebras and their impact on isogenies through the Deuring correspondence. This equivalence of categories between geometric objects that are elliptic curves and algebraic quaternion have showed to be a powerful tool to analyze the security of isogeny-based scheme. It has also some constructive applications such as signature. SQIsign, the main construction we obtained with this techniques was recently submitted to the NIST PQC competition new call for signatures. All the information on the submission are available here.
More generally, I am interested in everything related to isogeny-based cryptography and the algorithmic challenges it raises. I have also done some work on improving the efficiency of isogenies' evaluation, check it out at
I am interested in cryptography in general and also done some work in Multiparty Computation.
The manuscript of my thesis is available here.
- PRISM: Simple And Compact Identification and Signatures From Large Prime Degree Isogenies, with A. Basso, G. Borin, W. Castryck, M. Corte-Real Santos,
R. Invernizzi, L. Maino, F. Vercauteren,
and B. Wesolowski
PKC 2025
- Verifiable random function from the Deuring correspondence and higher dimensional isogenies
- Erebor and Durian: Full Anonymous Ring Signatures from Quaternions and Isogenies, with G. Borin and Y-F. Lai
CiC 2024-4
- Computing Orientations from the Endomorphism Ring of Supersingular Curves and Applications , with J. K. Eriksen
CiC 2024-3
- SQIsign2D-West, The Fast, the Small, and the Safer , with A. Basso, P. Dartois, L. De Feo, L. Maino, G. Pope, D. Robert and B. Wesolowski
- SQIsignHD : New Dimensions in Cryptography , with P. Dartois, D. Robert and B. Wesolowski
EUROCRYPT 2024, Best Paper Award
- Updatable Encryption from Group Actions , with M. Romeas
PQC 2024
- SCALLOP-HD: group action from 2-dimensional isogenies , with M. Chen, and L. Panny
PKC 2024
- Hidden Stabilizers, the Isogeny To Endomorphism Ring Problem and the Cryptanalysis of pSIDH, with M. Chen, M. Imran, G. Ivanyos, P. Kutas and C. Petit
- SCALLOP: scaling the CSI-FiSh, with L. De Feo, T. B. Fouotsa, P. Kutas, S-P. Merz, L. Panny and B. Wesolowski,
PKC 2023
- New algorithms for the Deuring correspondence: toward practical and secure SQISign signatures, with L. De Feo, P. Longa and B. Wesolowski,
- A new isogeny representation and applications to cryptography,
- An effective lower bound on the number of orientable supersingular elliptic curves,
SAC 2022
- Communication-Efficient Proactive MPC for Dynamic Groups with Dishonest Majorities, with K. Eldefrawy and T. Lepoint
ACNS 2022
- SÉTA: Supersingular Encryption from Torsion Attacks, with L. De Feo and C. Delpech de Saint Guilhem and T. B. Fouotsa and P. Kutas and C. Petit and J. Silva and B. Wesolowski
- SQIsign: Compact Post-Quantum Signatures from Quaternions and Isogenies, , with L. de Feo, D. Kohel, C. Petit and B. Wesolowski
ASIACRYPT 2020, Best Paper Award
- Faster computation of isogenies of large prime degree , with D. J. Bernstein, L. de Feo and B. Smith
Fourteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, 2020
website paper presentation
- Communication-Efficient Proactive Secret Sharing for Dynamic Groups with Dishonest Majorities, with K. Eldefrawy and T. Lepoint
ACNS 2020
- Inducing Readable Oblique Decision Trees, with M. Boussard and R. Des
ICTAI 2018
- Computation of Hilbert class polynomials and modular polynomials from supersingular elliptic curves
- SQIsign2D-West: the fast, the small, and the safer, 05/07/2024, Séminaire C2, Paris
- Verifiable random function from the Deuring correspondence and higher dimensional isogenies, 17/11/2023, KULB seminar, Leuven slides
- SQIsign: Short Quaternion and Isogeny signature, 27/09/2023, talk at Oxford PQ Workshop
- SQIsign: Short Quaternion and Isogeny signature, 29/06/2023, talk at Journée PEPR PQ-TLS slides
- New algorithms for the Deuring correspondence: toward practical and secure SQIsign signatures, 26/04/2023, talk at EUROCRYPT, 2023
- A new algorithm for the effective Deuring correspondence: making SQISign faster,
25/10/2022, talk at the Isogeny club.
- An overview of the Deuring correspondence and isogeny-based cryptography,
14/10/2022, talk at the Séminaire crypto de Rennes
- The Deuring Correspondence and Isogeny-based cryptography: SQISign and new Security Problems,
11/12/2021, talk at the International Workshop on Post-Quantum Cryptography slides
- SETA: Supersingular Encryption from Torsion Attack,
Talk at GT-c2, November 2021 slides
- SETA: Supersingular Encryption from Torsion Attack,
Video for ASIACRYPT 2021, video
- SQISign: Compact Post-Quantum from Quaternions and Isogenies,
Talk for ASIACRYPT 2020 at the best paper award session, video
- Communication-Efficient Proactive Secret Sharing for Dynamic Groups with Dishonest Majorities,
Video for ACNS 2020 video
- Faster Computation of isogenies of large prime degree,
Fourteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, 2020 video
- The Generalized Quaternion Isogeny Path Problem,
03/04/2020, talk at Séminaire de cryptographie de l'université de Rennes 1 slides
- The Generalized KLPT Algorithm,
30/01/2020, talk at Séminaire ATI de l'Université de Marseille slides
Program member for:
Sub-reviewer for conferences:
- Nutmic 2024
- PKC 2023
- CRYPTO 2021
- CRYPTO 2020
Reviewer for journals:
Journal of Algebra, MathComp, Finite Fields and their Applications, IEEE transactions on Information theory, Design Codes and Cryptography, Journal of Cryptographic engineering, IEEE transactions on Information Forensics and Security
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